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Startup MBA: For Attendees

Funding a startup takes skills across 10 areas of expertise.  The Becoming Fundable Masterclass uncovers where founders can build on their strengths and augment all areas to improve their hit rate with investors.


Founders learn how to tell the story of their company powerfully and completely, and how to see their startup through an investors' eyes.

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At this Masterclass you'll learn:

  • How to break down a business into 10 elements and see how the 10 elements interrelate

  • How to pull the elements of a startup together into a cohesive narrative that prompts investor action

  • How to build a target list of investors who are looking for your kind of company

  • How to pitch to investors in the room


Please note, this Masterclass consists of 2 - 2 hour sessions . Attending both sessions is required in order to participate in this Masterclass.


What you expect to get out of the Startup Funding Workshop:


  • Deep understanding of 10 important facets of your business

  • Clarity on strengths and weaknesses and how to optimize each

  • Your company pitch deck draft that is investor-ready


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Screenshot_2020-04-08 Julian Voss-Andrea

Cynthia Harrington, CFA is a serial entrepreneur with successful companies in education technology and investment management behind her. She is a chartered financial analyst, behavioral finance consultant, and award winning journalist. Harrington developed and taught TEAM (You)’s financial literacy curriculum from 2003-2008. Her work in applying research into behavioral economics, paired with a lifelong passion for improving habits is now realized in the innovative classroom management tool that is Team(You).

LinkedIn: Cynthia Harrington

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