Investment Performance Measurement: Evaluating and Presenting Results, Philip Lawton CIPM (Editor), Todd Jankowski CFA (Editor), Wiley; 1st edition (April 28, 2009)
Corporate Finance: A Practical Approach 2nd Edition, by Michelle R. Clayman (Author), Martin S. Fridson (Author), George H. Troughton (Author), Matthew Scanlan (Foreword), Wiley; 2nd edition (March 6, 2012)
Selected Publications
Accounting Practice
“The Accounting Profession: Looking Ahead”, Journal of Accountancy, Centennial Edition, October 2005
“SOX: The Value Proposition”, Journal of Accountancy, September 2005
“Internal Audit’s Role in the Post-SOX Era”, Journal of Accountancy, August 2004
Business Management and Financing
“Think Bigger: From $10 to $100 Million”, Entrepreneur Magazine, December 2000
“Hold ‘Em: Debt or Equity Financing”, Entrepreneur Magazine, July 2000
Financial Fraud
“Looking the Other Way: Managers’ Rationalizations of Possible Frauds”, Fraud Magazine, July/August 2005
“Profile: Lynn Turner Former SEC Head Accountant”, Fraud Magazine, Sept./Oct. 2004
“Nine Ways Companies Hide – or Enhance – Their True Value”,, December 2002
Financial Planning
“Bankruptcies, rising rates, inflation roil bond waters”, Accounting Today, November 7, 2005
Financial (Mis) Behavior: Why It’s So Hard to Teach Good Financial Habits, speech before California Jump$tart Coalition for Personal Financial Literacy, October 2005
“Retirees at Risk”, CFA Magazine, Jan./Feb. 2004
“Hedged Mutual Funds – Do Your Clients Stand to Benefit?”,, June 2003
“Mutual Fund Strategies: A new century demands a new approach”, Journal of Accountancy, July 31, 2002
Investment Theory/Capital Markets
“Risk Premiums in Emerging Markets”, CFA Magazine, March/April 2005
“Beyond Belief: Pioneering Insights into Behavioral Finance”, CFA Magazine, Sept./Oct. 2003
“Big Data and AI: Can AI and Tech Perfect Human Judgment?”, CFA Magazine, June 2017
“Translating Data Science into Career Growth”, CFA Magazine, December 2017
“VaR Managed Money’s Risk Measure”,, July 2002
“The Biological Investor”, CFA Magazine, January 2013
“Socially Responsible Investing, Journal of Accountancy”, Journal of Accountancy, December 31, 2002