We believe that everyone who signs up for this exam can pass it.
We're dedicated to making that happen for candidates who work with us. If that's you, you get the method that has been effective for hundreds of others. The Candidate Success Package© is a personality assessment that quantifies your traits and state of mind. We go through the results in a 1-hour coaching session.
You come out with insights and suggestions for a study plan tuned to who you uniquely are.
Benefits of Candidate Success Package©
Fit your study plan to your personality and save time
Coach with charter holder who is also experienced coach
Increase probability of passing your exam
Understand your profile compared to working charter holders
Pricing: Candidate Success: Personalized Setup for Success: $300
Weekly coaching to keep mindset sharp: $3,750
Head Coach
Cynthia Harrington, CFA
Gained charter in three attempts
Thought leader and speaker behavioral finance
Hedge fund consultant
Trading tech coach
Contributor to CFA© program curriculum
100% success rate with candidate coaching (full 3-month program)
Questions? Please write or call us.
Ready to take next step and schedule your session?
CFA® and Chartered Financial Analyst® are trademarks owned by CFA Institute.
A short, candid conversation with Cynthia led to a most rewarding coaching experience. For an honors student, failing an exam in spite of serious preparation was no easy blow. At one point, passing the Level II CFA exam felt like the biggest challenge. I was intrinsically motivated to study again but the stakes were high and I felt that I wasn’t armed with the right mindset. Cynthia’s role was instrumental in helping me shift back to a growth mindset, which really made all the difference. On to Level III!
S.S., Equity Analyst
Each level of the CFA exam is a different mountain to navigate. Working with Cynthia we constructed a plan of study that lead me to ultimately pass the CFA Level II exam. There are times one needs an advisor to tell you what others can see that you yourself cannot see. Cynthia to me is that trusted advisor.
L.C., Independent RIA